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My son spends too much time in the shower. He uses up all the hot water and upsets everyone else in the family. It's like has no concept of time when he gets in there. Any ideas?
My 13 year old has been using a cell phone for 6 months. We want him to have a phone so we can reach him but he never remembers to bring it with him when he is out. At home, he uses it to play video games instead of doing homework. How do I help him control his phone instead of his phone controlling him?
My 16 year old just got diagnosed with ADHD. How do I figure out if she needs a psychiatrist, a psychologist, a therapist or a coach?
My daughter always interrupts me when I'm on the phone. Sometimes it's not a big deal, but sometimes it is difficult when it is an important call. What can I do to stop this?
My son has a meltdown every time I take him shopping wanting me to buy something that is not on my list. Please help!
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