
My 14-year-old child takes so long to do their homework. They go into their room at 7 p.m. and don’t finish their homework until after 1 a.m.. Why does my child have to work that hard?

Coach Jon’s Answer: We agree, no 14-year-old should have to do homework for 6 hours every night. First, I would figure out if your child really is doing homework for that long. There are a lot of teens that will spend all night in their room but may only actually do an hour of homework. The rest of the time is spent chatting with friends, watching short-form videos, gaming etc. If your 14-year-old really does need to take an excessive amount of time to do homework, you should do some educational testing. They may have a specific learning disorder like dyslexia (reading issues), dysgraphia (writing issues), or dyscalculia (math issues). Or they may have processing speed issues. You need to get a specific diagnosis and then work with an educational therapist or learning specialist to help your child find strategies for getting their homework done in a reasonable amount of time.

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