Is Your Child Addicted to Screens? Take This Quiz to Find Out.

Is Your Child Addicted to Screens? Take This Quiz to Find Out.

Children nowadays rely heavily on screens for entertainment, connection, and information. While there are benefits to the technology available on our phones and computers, it's important for parents to recognize when their child might be spending too much time on screens. Here’s a quiz you can take to gain a better understanding:

Choose Y for Yes and N for No.

  1. Your child seems to have no control over the amount of time spent gaming online/surfing the internet. Y/N

  2. Your child gives video games and internet time priority over other hobbies, sports, tasks, and responsibilities. Y/N

  3. Despite negative consequences on their health, in school, at home, or in their face-to-face relationships, your child’s gaming and/or online activities continue and sometimes intensify. Y/N

  4. Your child has difficulty functioning in personal, family, social, or school life. Y/N

  5. Your child hides or downplays gaming obsessions or the amount of time spent playing games or on the internet. Y/N

  6. Your child escapes from negative emotions through the use of video games or the internet. Y/N

  7. Your child is constantly thinking about or talking about video or internet games or using the internet. Y/N

  8. Your child has difficulty concentrating or getting motivated. Y/N

  9. Your child is isolated from others. Y/N

  10. Your child is experiencing a decline in physical health and hygiene. Y/N

  11. Your child is experiencing eye and hand strain. Y/N

  12. Your child has more friends in the virtual world than in the real world. Y/N

If you answered Y to more than 6 questions, then your child may be suffering from screen addiction.

Why Are Kids Addicted to Their Screens? 

  1. Escape from Anxiety

The pressures of school and life can be tough on a kid. Turning to phones, TVs, or video games is a convenient way for them to distract themselves from their struggles. Videos and curated posts by influencers on social media can momentarily divert their attention from anxious thoughts and emotions. Video games, in particular, are highly immersive and realistic, appealing to those who enjoy fantasy stories or seek an escape from reality. While screens can serve as a method to decompress, using them passively may lead to dissociation and leave aspects of the day and emotions unprocessed.

  1. Belonging

Children are often drawn to screens, partly to engage in the illusion of connection through social media. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok allow them to like and comment on each other's photos and videos as a way to interact socially.

  1. Satisfaction via the Dopamine Hit

Online platforms such as Youtube, TikTok and Instagram are an endless pit of content. They are partly designed to deliver media for instant gratification. Over time, frequent exposure to quick, engaging content can condition the brain to seek out more immediate rewards and stimuli. Continuous exposure to high levels of dopamine release, such as through frequent social media use or video consumption, can lead to desensitization of dopamine receptors. This means that over time, the same level of dopamine release may not produce the same level of pleasure or satisfaction, prompting individuals to seek out even more stimulating content to achieve a similar effect.

Pros and Cons of The Internet and Online Gaming

This does not mean that screens are always bad. Children absorb so much useful information from having access to their devices. Using their phones helps them communicate with family and friends, learn new skills, and find new music, art, and books. There is plenty of material online that works well for stress-relief and personal development. 

However, as you already know, excessive use of the internet and online gaming can lead to distraction and procrastination. Scrolling through social media for hours may result in disrupted sleep patterns, decreased physical activity, and isolation. While these platforms facilitate global connections and friendships, social media can also expose users to unrealistic beauty standards and cyberbullying.

How to Regulate Screen Time 

As the old saying goes - moderation is key. Here are some tips on how to ensure that your child is able to balance their screen time with their other day-to-day activities.

  1. Set Guidelines

Implement daily limits on screen time if necessary. Establish screen-free zones and designated times where devices need to be put away, such as during family dinners.

  1. Use Built-In Parental Controls

You can limit your child’s exposure by utilizing the built-in parental controls available on gaming consoles, apps, internet browsers, and devices.

  1. Educate Kids on Responsible Use

It could be that your child simply isn't aware of how excessive screen time affects them. Bringing their attention to the amount of time they spend online may help them become more self-aware and take steps for their well-being. 

  1. Have Offline Activities

Encourage your child to engage in offline activities with you, such as playing board games, going on nature trips, or participating in outdoor activities. This could help them discover alternative ways to entertain themselves beyond screen time. 

If you’d like to learn more about how to help your kids manage their screen time, let’s talk! HabitCoach provides expert advice and resources on how you can support your child in this area of need. 

Get started today or learn more by booking a FREE consultation with one of our Executive Function experts.