How to Use Your Child’s School’s Homework System to Stay on Track

Before the advent of Google ClassroomSchoology, and Edmodo, schools used traditional methods such as paper-based assignment sheets, classroom bulletin boards, student planners, and occasionally homework hotlines to keep track of assignments and student progress. Nowadays, schools use these digital platforms to help teachers and parents monitor their students' academic performance.

Online homework systems have provided centralized access to assignments, resources, and materials, and streamlined communication between students and teachers. If your child finds it challenging to keep track of their assignments, deadlines, and schedules, we recommend using your child’s school’s homework system to help them stay on track.

Strategies on How to Maximize the Use of the School Homework System:

Familiarize Yourself With the System

Take some time to navigate around the homework system and learn how it works. Explore all the features and functions available. For example, most systems allow you to view your child’s homework submissions, track the status of their homework and projects, view their grades, and see available feedback from teachers.

If your child’s school platform has a mobile app, it would be beneficial to download it not only onto your child’s phone but also onto yours. If available, explore the parent app and see what you can do to support your child from your end.

Some school homework systems even provide analytics. These data-driven insights bring awareness to parents about their child’s academic performance and make support or early intervention available for struggling students.

After familiarizing yourself with the system, explain to your child its advantages, such as how it can save them time and effort. When they understand how useful it can be, they will be more motivated to use it on their own. They also might be out ahead of you and already know how to use the system; in that case you can empower them by having them teach you how to use it.

Utilize Notifications

Apps typically include push notifications for real-time updates. Enabling these on both your phone and your child’s device ensures you both receive notifications for important deadlines and events. Websites may also offer email alert functions for additional reminders.

Make It a Habit to Check

Encourage your child to establish a habit of checking their homework system at least once a day. Initially, you will have to sit down together and go through the website or app at the beginning of each week to review all upcoming assignments, deadlines, and other important tasks. You can help your child plan their study and homework sessions for the week ahead to make sure they allocate sufficient time for each task.

As your child becomes more accustomed to checking the system regularly with your support, you can begin to step back gradually. Discuss and agree upon a schedule for when they should review their assignments and update their plans. This approach empowers your child to manage their academic workload independently.

You may continue to check in periodically to keep them accountable.

Update Physical Calendars

Transferring information from the homework system and updating physical calendars can be beneficial for some kids who prefer tangible tools. For instance, in this study, it was found that individuals using paper calendars were more successful in fulfilling them compared to those using mobile calendars alone.

Using a physical planner, whiteboard, or paper calendar will allow them to jot down assignment deadlines and important dates, preventing the 'out of sight, out of mind' scenario that can occur if they rely solely on the digital homework system. Encouraging them to use a pencil or whiteboard marker enables easy erasing of previous or completed entries and making adjustments as necessary.

Ask Questions

For parents who may not feel comfortable with technology, navigating a new digital homework system can seem daunting. However, it's important to remember that many schools and educators understand this concern and are ready to support you.

If you're unsure how to make the best use of the school's homework system, don't hesitate to ask their teacher or IT staff for guidance. They can offer personalized assistance, whether through step-by-step instructions, in-person demonstrations, or providing printed guides. They can also help troubleshoot any issues you encounter. For widely used systems, tutorials may be available on YouTube. Remember, technology is meant to assist, and seeking clarification shows your commitment to supporting your child's academic success.

Using your child's school homework system can significantly improve organization, productivity, and ultimately, their school performance. By encouraging regular reviews of assignments, setting up notifications, and integrating the system with personal calendars, parents can empower their children to manage their academic responsibilities independently.

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