A coaching program to help kids with Executive Function (EF) gaps or ADHD

Does Your Child Struggle with Procrastination? Organization? Time Management? Distraction?
Discover your child's strengths and weaknesses
kid being distracted by his phone when he should be studying
From the creators of TestingMom.com, who have already helped 650,000+ students ace their tests.
Here's how HabitCoach works:

Our 5-step system establishes new habits to replace old behaviors that hold your child back:



We assess your child’s Executive Function (EF) strengths and weaknesses.


Your coach works with your child on lessons that help your child learn how to improve their habits.


Your child watches videos that will motivate them to stick with their new habits.


Your child develops EF skills through habit practice, supported by regular check-ins by our assistant coaches.


With practice, the new skills become ingrained habits. Then, a new skill is targeted, continuing your child's progress.
young girl looking at the computer and being frustrated while her mom stands behind her looking frustrated at the girl

Feeling worn down by your child’s EF challenges?

We will coach your child to improve these skills:

Structured routines
Time management
Organization & planning
Keeping track of their stuff
Getting schoolwork done
Making & keeping friends
Managing their emotions

Here's how EF challenges may show up in your child:

At Home

  • Can only handle one task at a time
  • Gets easily sidetracked by unrelated tasks
  • Needs frequent reminders and repeated instructions
  • Addicted to screens, ignoring time limits and boundaries

At School

  • Loses school supplies, books, lunch, phone—everything
  • Finishes assignments but loses credit for not turning them in
  • Always starts projects at the last minute
  • Can't manage their time well, if at all

With Your Family

  • Has frequent emotional outbursts
  • Gets upset at even minor changes in routine
  • Reacts quickly and sharply to siblings, causing fights
  • Constantly interrupts at inappropriate moments

In Social Settings

  • Struggles to look beyond today to plan activities with friends
  • Easily distracted, missing social cues from peers
  • Can't manage emotions, causing frequent blow-ups
  • Doesn't adapt behavior to the situation, creating uncomfortable interactions

HabitCoach helps kids build stronger executive skills, one habit at a time.

Take our free Executive Function Strengths & Weaknesses Quiz. You’ll get a customized profile of your child’s executive function skills, delivered immediately to your inbox.

Teen sitting at the park smiling and working on her computer